第1回 GBC版DWM2 & DQM2 国際交流並走 企画概要 / International Community Race Information

GBC版「Dragon Warrior Monsters 2」 & 「ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ2
いま、北米で最もアッッッツい“持ち運べる8ビットなレース”を、DW4/DQ4 国際交流並走のノウハウを活かしてお送りします!

JST: 2024年3月10日(日曜)正午12時00分出走。


GBC "Dragon Warrior Monsters 2" & "Dragon Quest Monsters 2": The most exciting "portable 8-bit race" in the West is now being presented, utilizing the know-how of the DW4/DQ4 international community race!!

Get ready for a race between monster masters from around the world!

Starting time: Saturday March 9, 10pm EST / 7pm PST

ニコ生 日本語ミラー: Real Time Attack Harbor
Twitch 日本語ミラー: RTA Racing
Twitch English restream: RPG Limit Break

The main purpose of this race is not to compete, but to enjoy international exchange.


レギュレーション / Regulations


The regulations are the same as those of speedrun.com/dqm2. Please check them via the Show rules button.

走者一覧 / Runners

Information is current as of March 10.

Platforms scheduled to be used by JP runners in the race are marked with an asterisk (*).

解説 / Commentators